Resources Spain and the Holocaust Information Sheet on Spain during the Holocaust (From the Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Israel) Journalistic Article: General Franco gave List of Spanish Jews to Hitler (From The Guardian) Sephardic Jews and the Holocaust Encyclopedic Entry on Sephardi Jews during the Holocaust (From the United States Holocaust Memorial…Continue Reading Spain during the Holocaust, Sephardic Jewish History, and Biblical Interpretation
Month: April 2022
Sarin gas before and after the Nazis
Resources Primary Document: 1925 Geneva Protocol banning chemical and biological weapons (From the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs) Fact Sheet on The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) (From the Arms Control Association) Encyclopedic Entry on Chemical Weapons (From the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs) Encyclopedic Entry on Sarin Gas (From the Council on Foreign…Continue Reading Sarin gas before and after the Nazis
How the Holocaust affected the LGBTQ+ Community
Resources Encyclopedic Entry on Paragraph 175 and the Nazi Campaign against Homosexuality (From the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) Encyclopedic Entry on The Pink Triangle: From Nazi Label to Symbol of Gay Pride (From the History Channel) Encyclopedic Entry on Lesbians under the Nazi Regime (From the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum) Encyclopedic Entry on…Continue Reading How the Holocaust affected the LGBTQ+ Community
Psychoanalysis, Social Psychology, and the Holocaust
Resources Encyclopedic Entry on Psychoanalysis (McLeod, S.A. (2019). Psychoanalysis. Simply Psychology. Encyclopedic Entry on Authoritarian Personality (From Psychology Resource and Reference) Encyclopedic Entry on the Milgram shock experiment (McLeod, S. A. (2017, Febuary 05). The milgram shock experiment. Simply Psychology. Blog Post on “How Freud’s psychoanalysis theories shaped modern-day psychology” (From the South…Continue Reading Psychoanalysis, Social Psychology, and the Holocaust
The Nuremberg Trials and the Establishment of an International War Crimes Tribunal
Resources: Primary Source: The “London Agreement” from 1945 establishing an International Military Tribunal (From the United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect) Encyclopedic Entry on The Nuremberg Trials (From The History Channel) Encyclopedic Entry on The Nuremberg Trials (From The National WWII Museum New Orleans) Encyclopedic Entry on The Nuremberg Trials…Continue Reading The Nuremberg Trials and the Establishment of an International War Crimes Tribunal